Shireman Church Projects
common sense construction excellence
“Our project was done on time, on budget, and professionally with care and skill.”
Dennis J. Murphy, Executive V.P.
Presbyterian Foundation
Our Focus on Church Construction Projects
Our Philosophy
Our goal is to bring value to our clients and assure that they get what they need both now and in the future. The client knows how they need the church, religious building, or addition to perform. We bring the construction expertise to make sure that happens in the best fashion possible. We spend a little extra time upfront to advise you of the best ways to plan and build for current and future needs. We consult with clients regarding on-site selection, expandability, aesthetics, acoustics, flexibility, quality, cost, and timing. We consider materials and systems that are readily available and allow substitutions so construction can move forward steadily and effectively, even in the midst of supply chain challenges.
We verify with clients that all permits are in place, codes followed, owner and staff inputs, and considered and documented. We carefully study the design to be sure we have considered all HVAC, plumbing, and electrical systems are energy efficient and make sense in the balance of cost versus budget. In the pre-construction phase, we also consider the flow of staff, parishioners, and other visitors.

We will engage the best team of craftsmen and develop protocols to create the highest quality, on-time, on-budget outcome. Anticipating challenges and then mitigate those challenges before they occur is critical and saves time, money, and headaches for our clients. We push the progress and manage the communication systems required to deliver the desired outcomes.
Every progress meeting leads off with a discussion about safety. We maintain a written safety plan on site. Our project managers are 10-hour OSHA certified, meaning they have been independently trained on construction safety and the federal regulations. The Shireman team also has CPR and first aid training annually. Safety is not only good for workers; it speeds up the process and preserves the project budget.
Things To Consider
- Consider everyone who will be using your facility and in what capacities.
- Visit other churches in other towns. What works, what wouldn’t work for you?
- Consider the need to separate different users: children, church members, staff, outside facility users, etc. How can you best balance user experience with safety, health risks, and utility usage?
- Research your church organizations to gain insights on future trends for churches and worship experience in the planning phase.
- Within a church, materials often get borrowed from Peter to fulfill Paul’s mission and things aren’t always communicated as needed. Do you need separate storage or ways to simplify double usage of supplies or rooms?
- Security systems are becoming more important. What are your needs?
- Consider HVAC and lighting design to reduce utility bills and provide a more comfortable and inviting experience.
- Have you planned for ample parking now and in the future?
- Consider your potential to expand. How could you grow in the future?
- Make sure not to put utility access points in the path of new growth.
- Carefully consider your location, road visibility, and traffic flow.
- Have you considered signage both on the road front and in interior sections?
Put our experience and success to work as your design builders. We take your knowledge and expertise and apply our knowledge and expertise in construction to create a partnership designed to meet and exceed your expectations.